We're back for the 8th edition of The Wicked Wallop!

Designed for the community, The Wicked Wallop is an independently funded event that relies on exhibitors and sponsorships to keep the show going. We’re grateful to all the brands that have supported us over the years, leading to our success.

Join us at The Wicked Wallop 8th Edition

Saturday & Sunday, 7 – 8 January 2023
Rooftop @ Carros Centre
Level 7, 60 Jln Lam Huat, Singapore 737869
10AM – 10PM daily

The Wicked Wallop 8th Edition is made possible by the following brands

Powered By
Venue Partner
Hotel Partner
Stage Partner
Official Radio Station
Supporting Radio Station
Special Guest Appearance
Special Guest Feature
Official Sound Sponsor
Official Sound Sponsor
Official F&B Partner
Official F&B Partner
Official F&B Partner
Preferred Energy Drink
Adopted Charity

International Show Guests


Supporting vendors

Want to be a part of The Wicked Wallop?
Fill out your details below.